5 Scenarios That Demonstrate AI Superiority in Customer Service

6 min readApr 22, 2022


Artificial Intelligence AI

Sophisticated, sentient technology that puts the customer at the center of all the attention is the reason why good service is a key differentiator for businesses, irrespective of their size or the industry they cater to.

AI allows companies to embrace automation and reduces the overall costs of customer service. With a modern AI-powered helpdesk software like ThinkOwl, you can charm your customers with bespoke service and frictionless support, and reap the optimum ROI. It is win-win for everybody!

In this article, let’s discuss five scenarios where ThinkOwl’s AI gets instrumental in providing excellent service your customers will remember for a long time…

#1. Intelligent Suggestions: ThinkOwl has the ability to analyze which smart responses or knowledge articles have been used in the past for similar cases, and subsequently provides intelligent suggestions to your agents. An agent only has to select a suitable suggestion while replying to a customer message. This saves their precious time and improves the ticket resolution process.

Scenario: Imagine Tom is a customer service agent in a global e-commerce company. On a normal day, he receives a myriad of customer inquiries round the clock, via emails, calls, chats, social media messages, and more. Now, if Tom had to manually draft the response for each case, it would have been a nightmare for him, plus the probability of inadvertent error!

But no worries! Tom is smart as he chooses to make his work easier with the help of ThinkOwl’s intelligent suggestions, where he only has to pick the most suitable smart response or knowledge articles from a host of recommendations offered by the AI and share it with customers.

#2. Automatic Case Categorization: In ThinkOwl, the AI can classify incoming cases to the correct categories and also displays the performance of its classifications. How? AI reads customer messages, understand the intents, and then automatically determines a relevant category for each case. The AI continuously learns how the cases are being handled by your agents which act as training datasets for auto-classifying new cases to the relevant categories.

Scenario: Suppose Tom logs into ThinkOwl and finds hundreds of inquiries. It would take him hours to manually sort through these cases and determine a category for each case. Here, AI comes into action.

AI analyzes customer messages, and learns from agent actions and their choices, to understand which case belongs to which category; with time and training, it starts auto-classifying new cases to the correct categories.

#3. Conversation Bots: Virtual customer assistants or conversation bots fill in for live agents and intelligently guide customers towards case resolution. They have the potential to augment your organization’s capabilities. You can use conversation bots to address soaring ticket volumes, attend to customer inquiries, and even support incoming tickets when live agent support is unavailable.

Scenario: ABC Telecom, an internet and telecommunications service provider, uses Conversation Bots to serve customers. The contact center provides a multitude of services, as well as helps customers with credit top-ups. Imagine the stress agents would face had all tasks been manually done — including welcoming new cases.

Thankfully ThinkOwl’s Conversation Bot prevents such a situation from becoming a reality. The Conversation bot serves as the first touchpoint for the customers seeking support.

Harvey is a client whose outgoing call services are barred because of non-payment of bills. Once Harvey realizes his mistake, he immediately pays the outstanding amount and wants his services restored immediately. After some time when he is still unable to make any call, he decides to contact ABC Telecom.

Harvey types his problem and the bot replies by asking him for the bill payment receipt number. After the information is keyed in, the bot replies saying the customer’s records will be updated with the payment information. Once that’s done, the customer’s calling services would be restored.

Multiple backend processes are at play here in this case, however they were all seamless and the customer’s only touchpoint is the conversation bot. The AI-powered Conversation Bot is capable of handling incoming customer support requests and even helps provide satisfactory responses to frequently asked questions.

In today’s highly digitized world, customers expect to be heard at all times. Whatever business you may run, it is a fact that your customers may need support at any time, even outside official working hours. If your customers happen to be living in different time zones, it becomes all the more difficult servicing their requests. Maintaining a 24/7 contact center can be economically unfeasible for small and medium businesses. This is where conversation bots come into the picture.

#4. Intelligent Guide: When tickets are assigned to agents who have specialized experience in handling certain types of customer requests, the resolution provided is accurate and it uplifts customer experience. ThinkOwl’s Intelligent Guide pushes the most relevant cases to the appropriate agents. This is in sharp contrast to the manual and often cumbersome process of selecting tickets from the inbox.

Scenario: Jack is a customer of ABC Telecom based in the US. He was in Africa for six months and has now returned home. After his return, he tries to access his ABC Telecom account but is unable to do so. He decides to speak to customer care. Which agent should answer Jack’s call? The billing team or the IT support team? The AI in ThinkOwl identifies the type of case and transfers it to the appropriate agent; in this case, the query gets transferred to a support executive from the IT support team of ABC Telecom.

Agents divided into various teams don’t have to manually extricate tickets concerning their department from the inbox. The AI does all the hard work so that customer support agents can devote their time and energy to do what they do best — resolving the customer’s problem.

#5 Gaining Customer Insights: As a business owner, it is important for you to know what your customers are thinking. ThinkOwl’s intelligent Topic Analysis determines which topics your customers are talking about, or what they like and dislike. Based on this analysis, you can improve your support operations.

Scenario: Joel is a shift manager at a contact center. His work requires him to submit weekly reports about the most frequent reason for customers to call the contact center, or the communication channels most used by customers when trying to reach for help. With ThinkOwl’s Topic Analysis, Joel can pull out each of these records easily in a numerical, statistical, or any other format that makes complete sense to him and his teammates.

Improve Customer Experience with AI

What do consumers look for when interacting with a brand? Great product and reliable support. The product and the quality of support combine together to create an experience for the customer. It’s up to businesses to make it a memorable experience so that customers keep coming back for more. But how to achieve this? Simply use ThinkOwl’s AI-powered helpdesk software to deliver world-class service without putting pressure on your support agents.

Customers expect contact center professionals to remember everything about them — from purchase records, service requests, brand and product preferences, product exchange or return requests, discount codes, loyalty benefits, the status of existing orders, reasons for the delay in product delivery, or reasons for not receiving their orders, etc. Sounds like a big task?

With ThinkOwl helpdesk software, it’s no big deal. Every process or workflow can be automated empowering your service agents to handle important cases and not have to worry about manual, repetitive tasks.

Provide excellent customer service and make your brand the preferred choice of your customers by choosing an AI-powered helpdesk software like ThinkOwl.

Article written by: Soumyadeep Roy


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Artificial Intelligence + Helpdesk Software = Better Relationships. ThinkOwl helps businesses streamline customer service operations.